We investigated the effect of the background electrolyte anions on the electrophoretic mobilities of the cationic amino acids arginine and lysine and the polycationic peptides tetraarginine, tetralysine, nonaarginine, and nonalysine. Background electrolytes composed of sodium chloride, sodium propane-1,3-disulfonate, and sodium sulfate were used. For the amino acids, determination of the limiting mobility by extrapolation, using the Onsager-Fuoss theory expression, yielded consistent estimates. For the peptides, however, the estimates of the limiting mobilities were found to spuriously depend on the background electrolyte salt. This paradox was resolved using molecular modeling. Simulations, on all-atom as well as coarse grained levels, show that significant counterion condensation, an effect not accounted for in Onsager-Fuoss theory, occurs for the tetra- and nonapeptides, even for low background electrolyte concentrations. Including this effect in the quantitative estimation of the background electrolyte effect on mobility removed the discrepancy between the estimated limiting mobilities in different salts. The counterion condensation was found to be mainly due to electrostatic interactions, with specific ion effects playing a secondary role. Therefore, the conclusions are likely to be generalizable to other analytes with a similar density of charged groups and Onsager-Fuoss theory is expected to fail in a predicable way for such analytes.