
Group on December 11, 2019
Our closely tied group of versatile scientists in the new building of the Institute (September 6, 2016)
From the left: Tomáš Martínek, Pauline Delcroix, Aniket Magarkar, Barbara Jagoda-Cwiklik, Štěpán Timr, Elise Duboue-Dijon, Hector Martinez-Seara, PJ, Roman Pleskot,
Josef Melcr, Vladimír Palivec, and Ondřej Ticháček.
Missing from the picture: Phil Mason, Katarina Baxová, Kryštof Březina, Jan Kadlec, and Tereza Perlácová.
Group of beech-huggers in front of the Institute (December 7, 2015)
Standing (from the left): Josef Melcr, Daniel Knopf (visiting), Roman Pleskot, Martina Roeselová, Jana Hladílková, Katarina Baxová, Eva Pluhařová, Daniel Bonhenry,
Barbara Jagoda-Cwiklik, Lukasz Cwiklik, Alena Habartová, Frank Uhlig, and Miriam Kohagen.
Hanging (from the left): Phil Mason, Štěpán Timr, PJ, Tomáš Martínek, and Vladimír Palivec.
Group on May 12, 2014
Arguably our best group photo ever (May 22, 2013)
Group on March 27, 2013
Group on May 9, 2011